Stop Smoking - Subliminal Affirmations
I resist cigarettes
I am stronger than a cigarette
I allow my body to change
I breathe fresh air
I choose healthy air
I give up smoking
I resist the urge to smoke
I am a non-smoker
I enjoy healthy lungs
My lungs are healthy
My lungs repair any damage
I choose healthy air
I give up smoking
My fingers are clean
My taste improves
Cigarettes are nasty
I resist cigarettes
I see myself as a non-smoker
I can change my body
I make healthy choices
I make positive choices
I can change my habits
I choose healthy air
Smoking is in my past
I forget to smoke
My body is healthy
My body becomes healthier
I desire to be smoke free
I can sit without smoking
I can drive without smoking
I resist the urge to smoke
I use my money wisely
I choose healthy foods
I drink water
I sleep well
I awake refreshed
I get plenty of rest
I desire healthy change
People see I am a non-smoker
I change my smoking habit
I use my time for other things
My clothes smell better
My urge to smoke is less and less
I can pass up cigarettes
I enjoy exercise
My hair is healthy
My skin is healthy
My skin is clear
I choose healthy foods
I exercise regularly
Smoke bores me
I resist temptation
I desire healthy air
I desire clean air
I smell different
I am strong
I am confident
I am in control
I like myself
I am clean
I am healthy
I taste differently
My mood is good
I have healthy emotions
I have energy
I am energized
My body is lean
My thoughts are clear
I think healthy thoughts
I enjoy life
My body smells clean
I resist cigarettes
I can change my desires
I lose interest in cigarettes
I can change my habits
I eat smaller portions
I eat healthy foods
I think healthy thoughts
Restaurants are smoke-free
My home is smoke-free
My surroundings are smoke-free
My fingers are clean
I feel good
My thoughts are healthy