Enjoy House Cleaning - Subliminal Audio Program - Enjoy Keeping Your House Clean and Tidy!
Enjoy House Cleaning
Subliminal Audio Program
Do you hate house cleaning?!?
Do you procrastinate on doing routine chores around the house?
Do you often not find enough time to do even the most basic house cleaning?
Do you find other things to do when you should be doing more house cleaning and housekeeping??
Are you afraid to invite people to your house because of how cluttered and dirty it is??
If you found a Genie in a Bottle and One of your Three Wishes in Life is to have a Live-In Maid!! Then this Audio Program is FOR YOU!!
Allow this Subliminal Audio Program to start helping you now!!
This is not a Novelty Product. This is very real!!
Millions of people suffer from lack of motivation and procrastination on house cleaning and house keeping. Keeping your environment clean and organized is very important for your mental and physical health.
Realize that with busy schedules, we often neglect the basic things that can keep us healthy and feeling better about ourselves. A dirty, cluttered house is often a sign of lower self esteem and even a cause for embarrassment. More and more research shows that unkempt surroundings is not always based on laziness. it can be a symptom of depression and / or low self esteem.
We need to keep our surroundings clean and organized for our most basic personal health and hygiene. But, even moreso, a dirty, cluttered house and environment affects us mentally and emotionally. It can rob us of energy and motivation. Dealing with a dirty house can bring us shame, guilt and anxiety that seems to get worse with time. Developing habits of laziness and procrastination in dealing with these responsibilities only perpetuate the anxiety and stress which can lead to deeper problems, compounding the issues.
Where does it all end?!?
If we have the right tools and supports, we can develop routines and healthy habits that make even the worst house cleaning jobs, acceptable. If we change the way we think and feel about house cleaning, we approach it differently and more optimistically. We need that boost and motivation to make necessary changes.
By changing our Neuromotor pathways within our mind, we can change even undesirable chores and responsibilities into acceptable and pleasant experiences. We then focus more on the positive outcome and positive end results more than we do the actual, undesirable responsibility itself.
PsychoAcoustics and Subliminal Programming are QUICKLY
reshaping the way we live, think and perform.
Listen to this Audio Program while sleeping, working, playing or exercising. Meanwhile, your subconscious mind will soak in the powerful subliminal suggestions that will begin transforming your mind and body into a healthier YOU! This Subliminal Audio Program was produced and created using the most sophisticated digital recording and processing available today. The background provides ocean waves and beautiful synthesizer music to enhance your relaxation. You hear no audible words or voices (but they are there). Play this recording over and over again while you sleep, relax or prepare for sleep.
Your subconscious mind directs your body’s daily functions and focus.
Use that power to motivate your mind and body
with these subliminal affirmations.
With Television Shows such as "Hoarders" there is a National Movement now focusing on the long overlooked aspect of House Cleaning and the Environmental Dangers that a dirty, unkempt home can bring. While most people do not have severe home environments, it is always fascinating to realize how quickly a home can deteriorate when not cleaned routinely.
We understand that this is often based on deeper subconscious and psychological issues other than laziness. We know that anyone can be lazy from time to time. But, your home and environment requires your regular attention. We also realize that people have busy schedules. And, in order to avoid and procrastinate on house cleaning, they will busy themselves even more-so just to avoid the undesirable and often redundant responsibility of housekeeping.
Here at Mind Design Unlimited, we know how the mind works. As well, we understand the many facets of human behavior and the reasons why we procrastinate and avoid the necessary routines of life. But, the mental and physical health of you and those that live with you, is vital.
Enjoy House Cleaning Subliminal Audio Program is one of our more popular programs. It helps change your mood and anxiety about house cleaning. What once were grueling and time consuming chores become transformed to the positive, motivated routines that bring you a more immediate sense of satisfaction and reward.
With listening to this Audio Program regularly, your mind begins to change dramatically as you begin to crave and desire healthier surroundings. You quickly find yourself doing chores and tasks more immediately, producing effective results without having to worry about doing them in future days to come.
This Audio Program is a Fantastic way to change your mind and attitude about House Keeping in general. You will find the chores becoming more automatic and with less anxiety about doing them. Your life and surroundings WILL change!!
This powerful program can make a safe, fast and effective change as you listen regularly to this Audio Program. The psychoacoustics are used to program the parts of the brain that develop long term change and patterns. These Neurological Pathways develop over continued use. Developing these positive, routine habits will make your life simpler and easier. .
This Subliminal Audio Program was developed as part of the Mind Design Unlimited Series for Health and Beauty. This enhanced Audio Program triggers your mind through psychoacoustics and subliminal motivation. With this stimulus, you will find your routine and energy levels begin to increase dramatically. It is important to understand that EVERY change in your body BEGINS with your mind. To lose weight, to exercise, to diet, to eat less junk food, etc... ALL seem to take a conscious effort on your part. But, we help you by cutting out the need for willpower. We create neuromotor pathways that change your cycles of procrastination and lack of motivation. These new neuromotor pathways are the natural occurrence that begins with every new change in your life.
Product Sample
Listen to an Audio Sample of one of our Subliminals Below.
This sample is from "Positive Attitude".
Your Music / Audio Format will Sound Very Similar.
What people are saying about this Audio Program
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"Amazing!! My house has never been so clean!"
Angelina V.
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"This is a Miracle!! Two days after listening to it, I woke up and started cleaning from top to bottom!! I do feel motivated to keep my house clean now. This worked for me."
Casey K
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"I LOVE THIS CD!! My husband is so happy with me now. No more NAGGING!! I must admit I do not put things off like I used to. The chores seem to get done and I really seem to have more time to do the things I want to do now."
Carol P.
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"I need about 3 more of these to give to my grown kids. I guess we all need something to motivate us with help around the house. I do now have more energy and motivation when it comes to routine cleaning around my house. I think this CD made the difference."
Vivian O.
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"My problem was with cleaning bathrooms. I hated to clean any bathroom. I used this CD for a couple of weeks and now both of my bathrooms are sparkling. I am glad I found this. Nothing seemed to work before. I hope I can keep this up."
Barbara M.
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Allow this powerful Audio Program to work for you NOW!
Audio Program Running Time is Approximately One Hour
Legal Disclaimer: We do not diagnose, treat or consult any individuals personal condition. Use this product only as directed. We make no extraordinary claims about this or any of our products. Use at your own risk.