Mind / Body Healing - Guided Imagery - Wm. H. Brown A.P. - World Renown Guided Imagery Recording
Guided Imagery
Dr. Wm. H. Brown
Sample Audio Below
Note: This recording is one of the best known pioneering works in Mind / Body Medicine. Mr. Wm. "Bill" Brown is the creator and facilitator of this incredible healing journey. This Guided Imagery is a Masterpiece in its creation and presentation. Not only is it pleasant to listen to, it is incredibly effective in aiding your body's natural healing process.
Many doctors, nurses, healing practitioners and recovered patients now regard this recording as one of the true Pioneering works of its kind. Mind / Body Healing set the standard in the Guided Imagery field for it's effectiveness and natural creativity. Many Cancer patients have made startling and complete recovery using this audio program and ones like it.
Whether this is a primary resource for you or if you use it adjunctively with other various treatments, you will feel a positive difference in using this audio program. It was designed to help you utilize your body's natural healing capacities. This can help you recover from illness and disease and get your Mind and Body communicating naturally in a healing capacity. Anyone serious about developing more Mind / Body Communication, wanting to Develop a Stronger Immune System and Serious about Natural Healing should own this Audio Program.
Wm. H. "Bill" Brown has been recording exceptional self-help and personal development products for over 20 years. Bill Brown is an Acupuncture Physician and Mind / Body Healing Expert that maintains a practice in Winter Park, FL. He is also a sought after speaker and trainer. This Audio Program is a well known Audio Program that has been used by thousands of people who have recovered from life-threatening and/or debilitating conditions. This Audio Program is a standard in the healing arts and psychoacoustic programs throughout the world.
Mind / Body Healing achieves just that; it is an Audio Program with Guided Imagery, music and nature sounds that are designed and produced to enhance the body's own innate healing capacities. Every human has an incredible immune system capable of incredible healing capacities that are unique for their own body. The mind and body constantly work together to maintain their best physical health.
Mind / Body Healing is a way to develop and enhance your intuitive skills to gain and maintain healing mechanisms for optimum Mind/ Body Health. This is a program that is renowned for its incredible effectiveness and ability to train the body's subconscious to promote maximum effectiveness. Experience this powerful Guided Imagery Audio Program to strengthen your immune system.
This Guided Imagery Audio Program is incredibly effective for improving and maintaining your health. It was created using the most sophisticated digital recording and processing available. The sound of a mountain stream and beautiful synthesizer music combine to enhance your relaxation, while William H. Brown's soothing voice guides you through a tranquil visual trek that helps to heal and connect your body and mind. Play this recording over and over again while you sleep or relax. Your physical health will begin to improve within a few days of use. This program is great for building your immune system.
Fact: Your Body and Mind is the most effective support system you have to maintain and stabilize your physical health.
Medical sciences (while well advanced) can only provide for limited assistance in recovery. Our actual physical healing and recovery is something our body does on its own. We need to give our body and mind all of the support it can get.
Fact: Many Eastern Cultures have less disease and illness that lead to death because they use their innate healing capabilities to heal their own bodies.
Most often, medication and treatment act merely as a support system until your body’s natural immunity and healing ability takes over. (Chemotherapy is an obvious example of this western medical treatment.) However, as most other cultures in our world know, you have the most powerful healing mechanism within your own body -- your immune system! By building your immune system and springing it into action, your body's natural resources and healing capabilities come together to assist in healing and recovery from most any disease or illness. You may have read stories about people making a full recovery from a malignant brain tumor or recovering from terminal cancer; this audio program may well be the program that assisted and guided that person to a complete recovery. *
As described in medical journals, studies and reviews, this Audio Program combines the success of mind/body healing, psychoacoustics and psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) for your benefit. Research in the field has helped to catapult mind/body healing to the next level. If you know how effective and important your own natural body's immunity truly is, then you understand the importance of this audio program. Allow the healing power of your body to work for you NOW! If you have been exposed to a contagious illness, this will assist your immune system to help keep you healthy. Your sleep will become more restful and healing. If you already have good health, this is a great enhancer toward your personal health and fitness. If you have been ill, this powerful audio program will assist your healing and immune system as well as allowing your body to re-energize and build energy.
Fact: Your body heals seven times faster
while in a deep, restful sleep!
This Audio Program Contains two stereo tracks.
Running time is 40 minutes with
a 20 minute (no voice) music meditation track
and a 20 minute (with voice) guided imagery track.
Legal Disclaimer: We can make no extraordinary claims about this or any of our products. Use at your own risk. We do not diagnose or treat any particular illness or disease. For medical or psychological advice, please consult your physician or an appropriate healthcare provider.