News — Flint

Urgent Buyer Notification!! - Mind Design Unlimited

addiction Better Sleep Habits Binaural Blog Cancer CD Digital Download Flint Guided Imagery Habit Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Hypnotist imagery Improve Sleep Lose Weight Meditation New Products Psychotherapy Self Help Smoking Stop Smoking Stress Reduction subliminal subliminals

Urgent Buyer Notification!!  - Mind Design Unlimited

Buyers and Potential Buyers of CD's (only) need to know that Mind Design Unlimited now has sold out of most all of its Compact Disc Stock!!  But MP3s Digital Downloads are still available for purchase.

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Setting the Bar Even Higher

affirm affirmation Affirmations beats Binaural Blog blogger body change charisma Christian clinical confidence Design develop development esteem experience experiment fit fitness Flint grow growth guided healthy Hypnosis Hypnotherapy imagery Influence medical Military mind mindset patience personal personality physical Positive responsibility science self stmina subliminal subliminals train training Unlimited wisdom

Setting the Bar Even Higher

Can only one sentence or comment, change your life??   Read more here, to find out!!

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What You "Hear" Versus What You "Think" by Christian Flint, MA, M.C.Ht.

addiction Cancer CD Christian counseling Design Digital Download Flint Guided Imagery Habit Health Care Hospital Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Hypnotist Improve Sleep Information Lose Weight Medication Meditation mind Patient Psychiatrist Psychiatry Psychotherapy Search Self Help Stop Smoking Stress Reduction Support Unlimited

What You "Hear" Versus What You "Think"  by Christian Flint, MA, M.C.Ht.

  Did you know that "hearing" the words that come from your mouth has a different impact on your own brain, than merely thinking it??  Research has proven what many Neuroscientists and Psychologists have surmised all along.  Most people would think that whatever you are "thinking" in your own mind, impacts your whole mind.  But, now we know that the part of your brain that "hears" your own words coming from your own mouth, impacts you differently than merely thinking them. Science formerly wondered why this is so.  But, the more we understand the different parts of the brain and our...

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Hypnosis - Fact or Fiction - by Christian Flint, MA, M.C.Ht.

addiction CD Christian counseling Design Digital Download Flint Guided Imagery Habit Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Hypnotist Law Legal Medication Meditation mind Patient Prepare Psychiatrist Psychiatry Psychotherapy Smoker Smoking Support Unlimited

Hypnosis - Fact or Fiction - by Christian Flint, MA, M.C.Ht.

As I now close-in on almost 30 years of being a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I look back over a career that led me into the Self-Help Profession.  I remember, when I learned to use hypnosis, at the age of 11, I believe that I learned it well because I had no fears or doubts about it.  As a matter of fact, when I first learned it, I was told by the "Hypnotist" (actually, a Physical Therapist) that it was a form of "Progressive Relaxation".  And, while that is the moniker often given to the induction of Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy, I still...

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