News — Improve Sleep

Urgent Buyer Notification!! - Mind Design Unlimited

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Urgent Buyer Notification!!  - Mind Design Unlimited

Buyers and Potential Buyers of CD's (only) need to know that Mind Design Unlimited now has sold out of most all of its Compact Disc Stock!!  But MP3s Digital Downloads are still available for purchase.

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What You "Hear" Versus What You "Think" by Christian Flint, MA, M.C.Ht.

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What You "Hear" Versus What You "Think"  by Christian Flint, MA, M.C.Ht.

  Did you know that "hearing" the words that come from your mouth has a different impact on your own brain, than merely thinking it??  Research has proven what many Neuroscientists and Psychologists have surmised all along.  Most people would think that whatever you are "thinking" in your own mind, impacts your whole mind.  But, now we know that the part of your brain that "hears" your own words coming from your own mouth, impacts you differently than merely thinking them. Science formerly wondered why this is so.  But, the more we understand the different parts of the brain and our...

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"Cognitive Dissonance" and The World Around Us!

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"Cognitive Dissonance" and The World Around Us!

Cognitive Dissonance is loosely defined as: "the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values."  Today, Cognitive Dissonance is affecting more and more people, resulting in fear, panic attacks, poorer sleep habits, erratic behaviors and even addictions (drug and alcohol abuse).  As a society, we have been functioning quite normally.  But, when our leadership, economy and society begins...

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Americans Are Becoming More Health Conscious!

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Americans Are Becoming More Health Conscious!

There is a growing trend of Americans that are taking more responsibility for their overall health, both physically and mentally.  This is great, as we have known that in the past 50 years, the USA has grown to be the most psychologically "depressed" nation, as well as the most "obese" nation.  it was quite amazing to find in numerous research studies from the past 20 years that US citizens were the most medicated for depression than any other country in the world.  It could be argued that the USA puts more emphasis on medicating individuals for depression.  However, Americans have...

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